Chambers & Blohm Psychological Services in Bismarck ND
Established in 2001, Chambers and Blohm Psychological Services is a private practice dedicated to promoting wellness and treatment for a variety of mental health issues. Chambers and Blohm’s mission is to provide quality mental health care to improve the lives of clients and their families. To achieve this mission, staff at Chambers and Blohm offers a broad range of mental health services to people of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. Chambers and Blohm Psychological Services is recognized as having the highest quality staff and providing effective, culturally-competent services.
Telehealth appointments are available by clicking on your provider’s link listed below.
Clients should click on the link to their provider’s “virtual waiting room” 5 minutes before their scheduled telehealth appointment. Please use a computer or device with a good internet connection and webcam (Firefox or Chrome browsers only).If you are experiencing connectivity issues, please call our office at 701-323-0924.
Dr. Adam Sattler:
Dr. Alek Krumm:
Andrea Falcon:
Brandi Arndt:
Dr. Bret Moore:
Calie Brown:
Dr. Kathy Blohm:
Lauree Hellman:
Michelle Fortney:
Our Services
Our Services
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Our Staff
Our Staff
click on photo or name for staff information
Contact Us
Contact Us
Chambers & Blohm
Psychological Services
309 North Mandan St. Suite 1
Bismarck ND 58501
phone: (701) 323-0924
fax: (701) 323-0935
hours: 8am – 5pm M-Th